template literals

(letterali modello)

Template literals = delimited with ( ` backticks )

instead of double or single quotes

allows embedded variables and expressions

let userName = "Bro"
let items = 3
let total = 75

console.log("Hello", userName)
console.log("You have", items, "items in your cart")
console.log("Your total is $", total)

result: Hello Bro
You have 3 items in your cart
Your total is $ 75

best practice using ( ` ) backticks, Template literals

let userName = "Bro"
let items = 3
let total = 75

console.log(`Hello, ${userName}`)
console.log(`You have ${items} items in your cart`)
console.log(`Your total is $: ${total}`)

result: Hello Bro
You have 3 items in your cart
Your total is $ 75

If we would like display one very long string... assign a new variable

let userName = "Bro"
let items = 3
let total = 75

let text =
`Hello, ${userName}
You have ${items} items in your cart
Your total is $: ${total}`


result: Hello Bro
You have 3 items in your cart
Your total is $ 75

(updating the label)


<label id="myLabel"> </label>


let userName = "Bro"
let items = 3
let total = 75

let text = `Hello, ${userName}<br> // we can add break tag inside the backticks
You have ${items} items in your cart<br>
Your total is $: ${total}<br>`

document.getElementById("myLabel").innerHTML = text

Monitor result ⬇️